
Carl Rivers • Feb 4 2021
  • A clever new strategy for anti-drug movies: make drugs look boring.
  • Drama
  • Released in 2008
  • Directed by Damian Skinner
  • Written by John A. O'Connell (story), John A. O'Connell, Steven Chester Prince (story), Steven Chester Prince, Ryan Wickerham
  • Starring Steven Chester Prince, Eliza Swenson, Lee Tergesen, Skye McCole Bartusiak
  • Length: 86 min
  • Rating: R

A nondescript white-collar guy catches his wife having sex with another man. Thus begins the dreary downward spiral of Andrew, the uninspiring hero of Pineapple.

After his marriage's instantaneous disintegration, Andrew's next two stops are an AA meeting and a strip club. He makes friends with a Weird Al Yankovic impersonator and starts dating a stripper. His life goes downhill. And that's pretty much all there is to say about the story.

This movie is so poorly filmed, it's difficult to gauge any of its other qualities. Nearly every shot is badly framed, inadequately lit, or just plain blurry. Damian Skinner's direction is too flat to achieve sensationalism in spite of the lurid subject matter. Andrew gets wasted, has some kinky sex, and ruins his life, and it's impossible to care about any of it. Even the orgies are boring.

Steven Chester Prince's performance as Andrew is dead on arrival. His dramatic scenes with his girlfriend (Eliza Swenson) are phlegmatic. Lee Tergesen slums as Andrew's sober friend. Pineapple starts out tedious and stays there.

3 out of 10.

Seen on Tubi.

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A boring movie about a voyeur making boring movies about boring people.
Of course he's no Sherlock Holmes. His name is Mike Hammer, not Mike Scientific Method.
A biopic where no one has anything nice to say about the subject.
A melodramatic twist on My Dinner with Andre that almost works.
This is a hell of a complicated scheme just to convince an engineer to quit his job.