Dimension in Fear

Carl Rivers • Feb 23 2021
  • Too bad the saying "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" didn't apply to this movie.
  • Thriller
  • Released in 1998
  • Directed by Ted V. Mikels
  • Written by Gerald W. Carroll, Ted V. Mikels
  • Starring Ron Jason, Nicole West, Gene Ellison-Jones, Liz Renay
  • Length: 111 min
  • Rating: N/A

Ted V. Mikels spent most of his life making schlock with unabashed zeal. He honed his craft over the span of six decades, yet somehow managed to get progressively worse at it. In a filmography that includes The Corpse Grinders and Blood Orgy of the She-Devils, Dimension in Fear is one of the low points.

The story is a slog full of inconsequential events and random nonsense. A serial killer escapes from jail. A newscaster goes on a road trip to Vegas. A few people get splashed with whatever red condiments were available at the moment. Bored extras talk in apathetic monotones. The shitty camera's built-in microphone spares us from a lot of the dialogue by drowning everyone's voices in background noise.

The actors are so goddamn bad, they can't even make standing still look convincing. I suspect a lot of the women in the cast were recruited from whatever strip clubs Mikels used to frequent. This time he didn't splurge on the extra fifty bucks for any of them to flash a titty. Dolores Fuller has a small and irrelevant role as a TV station owner. I don't know how Mikels convinced her to spend time on this turd and also—dear Lord—The Corpse Grinders 2. It couldn't have been with a big paycheck. Maybe she just did it for kicks. At least it didn't look like hard work.

1 out of 10.

Seen on Tubi.


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That's David as in Schifter, not Mamet. Adjust your expectations accordingly.
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